
spring notes

learning spring

machine learning notes

we are the robots, do, do, doot doot

SES - Operational Communication Strategy

strategy concept of operations talkgroup structure zone rescue talkgroup for all rescues day to day comm and lv 1 ops activity will occur on the zone dispatch talkgroup monitored 24/7 soc can transition ctrl of talkgroup to sector or division based on ops need (GRN - Gov't Radio Network) talkgroup …

vege food in tokyo

2021.03.19 mt bogong

map ~>

Flood Rescue Awareness Modules (SES)

Module 1 Search Location unknown NSW Police take control Rescue Location known SES team leader or incident control take control of the rescue Recovery Body recovery NSW Police Module 3 hazards - bio contamination. Diseases, sewerage, toxic chemicals. Could get sick - deecomtamination, washoff depth current and flow - difficult …


1.5 cups chickpeas squeeze lemon .5 cup sesame seeds 3-4 tablespoons oil pinch oats 2-3 tablespoons water 1 clove garlic

quadradic cheat sheet

standard form y=ax2+bx+c find vertex: vx = -b/2a vertex form y = a(x-h)2+k where vertex is at [h,k] find x where y = 0 x = (-b ± Math.sqrt(b**2 -4ac))/2a


mandi: 1 potatoe boiled 200g flour 200g semolina (if you don't have semolina you can use all flour) 1 flat tablespoon yeast 260ml water warm 1/2 tablespoon sugar 1/3 cup olive oil 1 tablespoon salt. Boil your potatoe whole with the skin on till very well cooked. Mix flours together …

android cheatsheet

Get APK signature apksigner verify --verbose --print-certs "Signal-website-universal-release-4.49.13.apk" Get signature of keystore keytool -v -list -keystore /path/to/key/store/android.keystore.jks