
mandi: 1 potatoe boiled 200g flour 200g semolina (if you don't have semolina you can use all flour) 1 flat tablespoon yeast 260ml water warm 1/2 tablespoon sugar 1/3 cup olive oil 1 tablespoon salt. Boil your potatoe whole with the skin on till very well cooked. Mix flours together …

No knead bread

3 cups plain flour (2 white, 1 wholemeal works well) 1 1/3 cups water (plus a splash if dough isn't coming together) 1/3 tea spoon yeast 1 1/2 tea spoon salt Mix together in bowl and cover. Leave for 12 - 18 hours. Add a metric fuckton of seeds and …

marks red lentil dahl

RED LENTIL DAL One cup Red lentils Three cups water One medium onion, finely chopped One clove garlic, finely chopped One Tbsp Butter Five Cloves Five Cardamoms Two Kaffir Lime Leaves (you can substitute lemon or lime zest or peel, if you haven't got the leaves) One Tbsp Curry paste; …