Flood Rescue Awareness Modules (SES)

Module 1

  • Search
    • Location unknown
    • NSW Police take control
  • Rescue
    • Location known
    • SES team leader or incident control take control of the rescue
  • Recovery
    • Body recovery
    • NSW Police

Module 3


- bio contamination. Diseases, sewerage, toxic chemicals. Could get sick

- deecomtamination, washoff

depth current and flow

- difficult to determine

- 30cm enough to knock you off feet

- risk → washed away - >control → dont nter fast flowing flood water, maintain safee distance

below surface debris

- eg fences and infrasture

- risk → become entangled/entrapped, injury, impalement → control → do not enter flowing flood water, maintain safe distance

ssurface debris

- trees and rubbish float or gather against structures

- risk → entangeled → control → do not enter flowing flood water


- objects in and under water affect flow

- risk → rough water → do not enter flowing flood water

wirs, culverts and causeways

- ppl, cars boats can wash over

- risk → held (recirculated) in weir → do not enter flowing flood water


- urban drain into underground/road system

- risk → force of water drag person into drainage system

power of flowing water

- 2x speed = 4x force

- 30cm

post flood damage

- damage roads and bridges → unsafe to drive on → ensure approved to travel on

working near flood waters

- unstable banks → maintain distance, wear pfd

vegetation → snags, stings → maintain safe distancee → wear corrct ppe, pfd → avoid running and pay attention to wear you put your feet

dangerous insects and animals

- flood waters and debri and veg can contain animals

- risk → bite/sting → wear ppe apply insect repellnt

poor light

- increases difficulty in id hazards

- trips, slips, falls → maintain radio/hand/whistle comms


- noise inhibits comms

- risk → mis instructions → maintin comms. Use hand, whistle


- fast moving watrs, vehicle swept off cause way, large animals (unpredictable), public/untrained rescuers, working alone

- reach → force of water pulls rescure in

- throw bag → force pulls in

- wade → force loose traction

Module 4

first in scene:

  • call 000

  • asses risk

  • control risk (move ppl away from bank)

  • asses watr conditions (velocity, debris, hazards)/person

  • liaise with othr services

  • determine if ppl are undertaking rescue without pfd

  • put on pfd in prep for support task

  • prep for night (well lit, torches)b

safe working areea

  • cold zone (flood rescue awareness)

  • warm zone (land based, in -water, on water)

    • upstream spotters

    • land based ops

    • downstream

  • hot zone (in water)

upstream spotter

  •  keep lookout for ppl, debris

  • warm zone or safe structure

flood rescue operator land based

- warm zone

- assist using talk, rach, throw, wade, and no

- upsteam spotter


- warm and hot zons

- talk, reach, throw, wade, row, and no

- boats and rafts, transport, re-supply, inland water search and body recovery


- warm and hot zons

- talk, reach, throw, wade, row, go, and no

- boats, rafts, rescue from flooded vehicles

rope based teech, tension diagonals, highlines, tethrd boat

defensiv swimming

- float on back with feet downstream

- protect head

- use hands and feet to fend


- dress down

- no firefightinfg ppe, harnss ropes

communication systems

- establish sig’s via radio or phone, to warn persons in operationss area

- if dont understand hand sigs keeps arms low with palms towards signaler

- give same sig back as ack

- OK

- arm on head with elbow to side

- STOP – arms out wide

- EMERGENCY – wave arms over heead