fix borked efi

apt install cryptsetup lvm2 unlock the drive with disk tool bc i cant work out how tu use cryptsetup make lvm visible vgchange -ay // mount root mount /dev/{vol-group}/root /mnt // mount boot mount /dev/sdX2 /mnt/boot // mount all the things for i in /dev /dev/pts /proc /sys /run; do …

PostgreSQL cheat-sheet

Create DB and user postgres@kuro:$ createdb "doggo" postgres@kuro:$ psql psql (9.6.4) Type "help" for help. postgres=# create user doggo; CREATE ROLE postgres=# ALTER USER doggo WITH PASSWORD 'doggo'; ALTER ROLE postgres=# grant all privileges on database "doggo" to doggo; GRANT postgres=# \q Connect PGUSER=doggo PGHOST=localhost PGPASSWORD=doggo PGDATABASE=doggo psql PostGIS sudo …

Force Blutooth Headphones to use a2dp_sink

If GUI config tools are failing to set and activate bluetooth headset on linux try: pacmd set-card-profile `pacmd list-cards | grep bluez_card -B1 | grep index | awk '{print $2}'` a2dp_sink source edit: nope still fucked... edit 2: this one seems to work for now: edit 3: …