
playing with!/CreateJS comes with a lot a bells and whistles which is great for getting started... not sure if it is that great yet studying the source of view-source: look pretty cool and is really fast, not sure what the best way to handle sound is.

dailyshow for dirty forigners

go to clip page and copy pasta this into the location bar. javascript:$($("#videoPlayerEmbedHolder")).html($("#embedCodeForShare0").text())(); and for full episodes go to the episode page and copy paste this into the location bar: javascript:$($('.player-box')[0]).html("<embed src='"+/\d*)/g.exec($(document).text())[1]+"' width='766' height='430' type='application/x-shockwave-flash' allowFullScreen='true' allowScriptAccess='always' base='.' flashVars=''></embed>")();